Friday, October 1, 2010

Step #6: Delving into the Depths

Inside of each of us is a creative person. A creative soul. I'm sure of it. But so many of us are convinced that we're not 'creative' or we can't make 'anything.' That is just not true. The reason that people say these things is because they try one time and then give up. Because it didn't turn out perfect. On their first try. I'm not the best at drawing and sketching realistic things. But I still practice. Because I know. Know what? Well, I know that I'll get better. I can't tell you how much better my drawings have gotten since I started practicing. It really works, let me tell you. You may have noticed the title of this post; Delving into the Depths. If I could give posts a sub-title, I would. But I guess you could say the sub-title is 'Finding your Creative Self'. You need to dig, dive, and overall delve into the depths of yourself to find your creative self. To let it free. It's being smothered. By you. By your emotions. That is what is holding you back. When you let yourself go and just play, your creative flame sparks a little. And you start to feel it a bit. You get more ideas. The more you let yourself lose to be creative, you are releasing a little of the cloth that is covering your creative fire. The sparks and the little flames are there at first, but once you give yourself permission, and you urge, blow and plea that little flame into maturity, the little spark, the little flame; they become one and start a big, roaring fire. And that fire that is burning inside of you is your passion to create. Like I said. There's a passion inside of everyone. You just need to pry it out. And you might not be able to feel it at first. Don't worry. That's normal. But after a while you feel something else. A burning desire and need to create. A desire to be creative. And when you let it free; you explore with papers, paints, stamps, inks, crayons, markers, pencils, and whatever else you desire you use in your creative endeavors, then you are feeding that fire. You are giving it what it wants. What it likes. What it needs. What it needs to survive. And if you smother that creative flame again, then you'll have to go through the long and painful struggle of uncovering it once again. So don't let it get that way. Don't make it necessary to delve and find your creative fire once again. Just keep feeding the fire it's creative pleasures and keep it burning. It's a much less painful way to keep your fire burning, and it's not that hard. Even just a few solitary minutes of peace and playtime all to yourself a day will keep your fire alive. So go do it. Find your creative self and keep it burning.


  1. I agree sometimes we are so hard on ourselves! I am bad about that!

  2. another beautifully written post!

  3. Are you sure you are only 13? Those are pretty wise thoughts, young lady!
